Friday, July 25, 2003

The Death of Civility and Blogging: Exhibitionism or Obsessive Compulsive Behavior?

My dear spouse just bitched at me--

"How many diary pages do you now have running? Do you realize this is obsessive compulsive behavior? I think blogs are one of the weirdest things to come out of the current century."

"What? You mean the exhibitionist need to put up the guts of your life for other people to read?"

"Yeah. Do you realize if you spent the time you [waste] on blogging/journaling on your novel..."

"Uh huh. Well maybe if blogging gets me used to typing some words every day, I will be better about working on the novel. As it is, I spend an awful lot of time NOT writing."

And there you have it. Is blogging avoidance of "serious" writing, or a way of stoking the creative fires? My quandry for today...

The Death of Civility

One conclusion] that seems inescapable is that civility and politeness are casualties of the modern era. I am constantly appalled by how people treat each other. I guess my age is showing, but my mama raised me to be polite to everyone, unless there was a damn good reason not to. Rude people are a pet peeve of mine, and something I feel like establishing a Hall of Shame for. So occassionally I will chronicle my experiences with those who deserve to be held up as Horrible Examples...

Today's Bitch and Moan is for professionals who act anything but.

My husband has squandered one of his few remaining vacation days to be home today to deal with one such "professional" who may or may not deign to show up. We are refinancing our mortgage, and need to have an appraisal done. We arranged with our mortgage broker that it would be today. The appraiser was supposed to call and set up a precise time. We still have not heard a peep from that quarter. And last night, the broker never got back to us. It would be useful if we had a number for the appraiser and could contact him directly...

I hate waiting for other people to get their shit together when it should have started out that way because its their JOB. I also hate the prevailing attitude that a paycheck is something you deserve for Just Showing Up. Uh, how about doing your fucking job???? Laziness and stupidity seem to have been moved from the vice column to the virtue column by a society that has its head tucked firmly up its ass. Grrrrrr.

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